The i.HUG Foundation increases access to education for vulnerable children in Uganda to accelerate their path out of poverty. We work together with educators and families to run high-impact programs that enable children to go to and succeed in school, and live safe, happy, and productive lives. Education is a catalyst for a life without poverty. Your support changes children’s lives—and can impact generations to come. Education is a universal human right and a significant factor in the development of children, communities, and countries. In Uganda, more than half of all children live in absolute poverty and have little or no access to education. Uganda instituted Universal Primary Education in 1997 with the goal of providing an education to all children. However, today significant challenges still exist and too few children are able to go to school. For those who do enroll, less than 40 percent complete it. Only a quarter of Uganda’s children enroll in a secondary school. We exist to help accelerate access to education to help children go to and stay in school. Uganda is located in East Africa and is among the poorest countries in the world. It ranks 161 out of 187 countries on the UN’s Human Development Index. Half (51%) the population lives on less than a $1.25 a day, and 75% live on less than $2 a day. There are high prevalence rates of HIV/AIDS in Uganda resulting in more than 2 million HIV-related orphans in Uganda—the highest in the world. Our focus is on urban slums outside the capital city Kampala, which are underserved and for whom a significant number of children lack any opportunity to attend school. Slum life is difficult for children, who face pervasive violence of all kinds, familial instability, malnutrition, lack of access to health care and clean, safe drinking water.

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Lynn Serra, Designer